data center soc audit

Data Centers and Colocations are a crucial part of how many businesses of all sizes serve their customers and manage their internal needs. This important role Data Centers now play will likely continue to become more important over the coming years. This incredible importance makes it more crucial than ever that a Data Center complete a SOC Audit and maintain SOC-compliant practices to protect client data integrity.  

Why Is A Data Center SOC Audit So Important?

SOC compliance is crucial for Data Centers and Colocations as they manage the important data, servers, and other IT systems. Protecting the security and integrity of these systems is critical for client success, and many clients are demanding that their Data Centers and other third-party partners be SOC compliant to assure that their data is properly handled.

Which SOC Audit Should A Data Center Complete?

There are two major varieties of SOC Audit:

There are also two types of each audit:

The ideal audit for a Data Center or Colocation is typically considered to be the SOC 2 Type 2 Audit. However, many organizations will achieve a SOC 2 Type 1 for their first SOC Audit and complete a SOC 2 Type 2 the following years.

Benefits Of SOC Certification

Completing a Data Center SOC Audit provides your organization with several key benefits such as:

If you have any questions or would like to get started on your next SOC Audit, contact us today!